I don't know what it is about putting something into illustration form that takes the subject from funny to hilarious, but it works. What makes these especially ab-workout-because-I'm-laughing-so-hard funny is just how true they are, and how easily you'll relate. In fact, I dare you to read them all without thinking "so true." It's just not going to happen.
1. It's pretty much every man for himself when it comes to a collaborative group project
2. There's only one right answer. ONE.
3. "Young man, blah blah blah blah blah blah, I said young man..."
4. Which is why it's so easy for a pop song to get stuck in our heads for the entire day
5. Just text me back, please.
6. That lunchtime boost is what I live for
7. I'm not even sure if I've ever used it to see an actor's previous roles :S
8. Also, where does he keep all of those signs that he pulls out right before he falls? His fur is like Hermione's endless bag
9. "Fenugreek? When did I get that?"
10. YES!
11. This is also accurate of time spent on a weekend
12. Every. Time.
13. *Looks at calendar* Ah, it's Monday.
14. I'm still just a mushy, soft thing.
15. And this is why all brilliant writers were alcoholics
16. And then you promise to not eat for a whole two days, and five hours later you're in the fridge looking for a snack
17. They'll never intersect
18. That moment of panic when the person then looks at you oddly and asks you why you're laughing
19. I need those cartoon bubbles to appear above my head so that I can say "fine," but people can see what I'm actually thinking
20. 100% truth.
21. I blame the adorable TV nerds like Seth Cohen
22. Be yourself but not really.
23. It's right up there with the whole sock in the dryer conspiracy
24. We should add "speaks in a sexy voice" into that diagram as well