Thursday, June 4, 2015

How Many Of These 14 Scarlett Johansson Facts Do You Know?


1. She released an entire album of Tom Waits covers and I like one of them.

2.She's also covered songs by The Cure and Jeff Buckley.

3.Katy Perry wrote a song inspired by Scarlett Johansson's lips and chances are you've heard it.

4. She makes her own soda.

At least she does in a commercial. Scarjo backed out of her role as Oxfam ambassador to continue to promote SodaStream, a do-it-yourself soda maker that is produced in Israel's West Bank.

5. She once fell down and the Internet loved it.

6. She likes jazz.

7. She also likes cigarettes.

8. She made her film debut in North. 

Look mom, I'm shorter than the Hobbit.

Starring Elijah Wood, the movie is about a boy who goes searching for new parents. From Roger Ebert's notorious review, "I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid audience-insulting moment of it." 

9. She has a twin brother.

10. She has her own line of Reebok clothes called Scarlett "Hearts" RBK.

What? Oh, yeah. I do love to read after I work out. Don't you?

Yeah, sometimes I don't even workout. I just, you know, put on my Reebok clothes, cause you know I "heart" RBK, and do some more reading. Books are the windows of the bookcase.

Oh, what's that? You noticed my books? The mind is a muscle too, you know. You have to exercise it. I read that once. Don't remember where though. It might be in one of my many books you see. I might not have mentioned my love for reading but...

11. She once donated 2,000 pairs of her Reebok sneakers to Soles4Souls.

12. She hates cockroaches...

...and, I'm guessing, along with Tony Montana, wants to bury them. Cockroaches have been around for over 300 million years, long before either Scarlett Johansson or Tony Montana, and because of their resistance to radiation will most likely survive a nuclear apocalypse. As well, because of their gross taste, will also most likely survive the zombie apocalypse.

13. She's left-handed. 

In Latin, the word "sinestro" means both left and "sinister." The English word "left" derives from an Old English word meaning "weak." And in French, the word for left, "gauche," also means rude or uncouth. Ambidexterity, the ability to use both hands equally well, literally translates to having two "right hands." In Western Christendom the left side was associated with women. Sinestro is the arch-enemy of the Green Lantern.

14. She hates being called "Scarjo." 

Scarlett Johansson thinks that her media name "Scarjo" is "violent," "insulting," and something she associates with pop stars. Maybe call her Johanlett? Or perhaps an anagram? How bout Johns Lancers Toasts? Or Snot Jolters Ashcan? If you dare call Snot Jolters Ashcan the name Scarjo in the squared circle she'll come down off the top ropes.

And some mo...


Author: verified_user