Saturday, June 6, 2015

7 Times Women Hit Their Men With A Double Dose Of Revenge

Whether they do it by inserting themselves into conversations they know nothing about or totally dropping the ball on important family stuff, guys are just pieces of work, right?

If I'm not mistaken, women have had enough of this crap. Actually, there is photographic evidence of this. 

What's the best way to deal with this unchecked arrogance? 

Troll them, and troll them hard. 

We have a lot to learn from these women...

1. This man's wife called him up to tell him that she picked up Fifty Shades of Grey.

Luckily, this is what he came home to. 

2. Now I know why you married her! She's hilarious. 

"My husband bet me I couldn't shave his foot without him waking up. This is what he woke up to this morning," wrote Reddit user Potatoprincessa.

3. The look of pure pain on this guy's face is priceless. I guess he's never gonna tell his wife that childbirth is easy again.

Enjoy this, because I sure did.

4. Men are always asking their wives for sandwiches. Make it yourself or bear the consequences.  

Well, this woman did make one, but she left the plastic wrap on the cheese for that dude to chomp down on. That isn't all she did...

Oh hellllll, yes. Thatta girl!

I wonder what he did to deserve this. 

5. OK, let's dial it up a notch. 

This woman was so sick of her man (he pranked her with hot pepper in her underwear recently) that she decided to rig their shower head in a special way. What did she do? 

She filled it with hot pepper extract. Yes, that is the exact moment the pepper hit him...on every part of his body. 

6. This woman deserves a medal.

"Was wondering why my wife was giggling when she asked me to change the air filters..." wrote the poor man who got to see Bruce face-to-face. 

Share this savage list with your Facebook friends who are a little sick of their man's arrogance. 
h/t Bored Panda


Author: verified_user