Monday, January 12, 2015

Hotel Cleaner Gets Teary-Eyed When She Finds $500 Tip

This video truly will restore your faith in humanity once you see this woman receive her amazing surprise. It's not the surprise itself that had me tearing up but her reaction to it. It was so genuine, so present, so... adorable!

It's very clear that what a group of people decided to do for this woman (who works as a hotel cleaner) was exactly what she needed. It really is amazing. 

And may I just add, I worked as a hotel cleaner for many years and it is damn hard work. People in this profession deserve continuous pats on the back (honestly, they deserve a parade) because they put up with a whole awful lot and often don't get the recognition they deserve. 

Shout out to all you wonderful people who take care of others every day. Hopefully a surprise just like this one is coming your way too! 


Author: verified_user