Thursday, August 16, 2018

It's Her Wedding Day, But Her Water Breaks At 4 AM. Watch What The Hospital Does!

There are endless things that can get in the way of a wedding day going as planned. That's just life, right? I mean, there's rain, deaths, forgotten vows, and ripped dresses to name just a few things I've seen go down on wedding days over the years. It really is the case that anything can happen. Planning doesn't make perfect. 

Not many things come along on a wedding day that derail the whole thing and actually make it that much better at once, though. In fact, you could pretty safely say anything that comes in the way of a bride walking down the aisle is pretty much a wedding day disaster...

...except when it's not. You see, Oregon bride Deborah Callandret woke up at 4 a.m. on her wedding day to discover something that would certainly prevent her from walking down the aisle as perfectly planned. Her water broke. Her soon-to-be-daughter wasn't waiting any longer.

So Callandret was taken to the hospital and that's when plans really shifted! What ensues is only possible when love takes the lead. 

If you love this, please SHARE it. It's a great reminder that with the right attitude, any disaster becomes an opportunity for something much better. 


Author: verified_user