Thursday, May 17, 2018

This Mom Made Her Son Available For Free Yard Work After He Got Suspended


When Demetris Payne's son, Jadarien, got himself suspended from school for three days, she wasn't about to let him stay home playing Xbox while he was off.

No, she had a plan for his punishment, and she put it out on Facebook: she made him available to the neighborhood for free help with yard work and odd jobs. 

Folks in the neighborhood were only too happy to help out with Jadarien's discipline — Demetris got so many replies, she had to make up a schedule for him.

There's a lot of work to be done outside in the fall!

It was a win-win situation, really, as Jadarien worked off his punishment and neighbors got much needed help with their chores. 

"Thank you for pickup up the pine needles in our yard!! My wife told me about this when I got home from work. You did a great job buddy!" wrote one of the people he helped. 

After the suspension ended, Demetris and Jadarien met up with his teachers to keep him on the straight and narrow.

What do you think of Jadarien's punishment? Let us know in the comments!


Author: verified_user