Tuesday, May 1, 2018

13 Differences Between Men And Women At The Bar

Literally everyone can probably admit to at least three horrendously embarrassing bar moments they've experienced throughout their years of booze guzzling — and lucky for us, embarrassing bar moments don't discriminate against gender. Giddy up folks, because we're about to analyze the difference between men and women at the bar.

1. It really doesn't take much to get a guy's attention at the bar...

Girls on the other hand...

2. Guys at the bar be like...

Man, that guy is photogenic!

3. And girls at the bar be like...

Yeah, every gal tends to do bar selfies a lot better than the guys.

4. Well, maybe not EVERY gal...

These two could use some practice...

5. Girls take getting ready for the bar WAY more seriously than dudes.

It's a night out on the town — not a fashion show, people.

6. But at least they help each other out when they get too drunk.

Because teamwork makes the dream work, homies!

7. Guys on the other hand...

...can't we all just get along? 

8. The ladies always look awesome when they start dancing at the club!

These girls have got the moves!

9. Men have some, um ... different dance moves.

I'm not saying they're bad dancers, but I'm definitely not saying they're good...

10. When guys hit on girls at the bar...

Is there anything more awkward?

11. And how guys feel when a girl hits on THEM at the bar.

Wait, maybe she's just being nice...

12. See?

You win this round, pretty lady...

13. And of course, guys have a WAY harder time dealing with the friend zone than women do.

I'd like to ask ALL women on behalf of us guys — please tell us how to get out of the friend zone. PLEASE!

Main image via Confessions Of A Bar Slave
Collage images via 1. Confessions Of A Bar Slave 2. reddit / groucho29 3.Opposing Views


Author: verified_user