Monday, August 28, 2017

15 Signs Everything Is Alright

There comes a time in your life when you feel like things are going right. 

Your pets respect you, your family actually listens to your birthday wishes, and no one makes fun of the dumb modifications to your car. 

These are the days that we dreamed of. 

How would you know if you're living the good life? 

1. You got a princess Godzilla cake for your birthday.  

2. Your horse is as dapper as you are. 

3. You can afford to buy your fruit separately.  

4. This is where you get to spend your Friday nights. 

5. Your baby has the hair of a '70s news anchorman. 

6. You still fit in your little red wagon. 

7. You can eat pizza however you want and take pictures of yourself while doing it. 

8. You successfully taught your dog how to knife fight. 

9. When someone else's hair does exactly what you want it to.

10. No one would think you are ridiculous for driving this around. 

11. You can afford to get a table added to the back of your car. 

12. Being this lazy is acceptable. 

13. All your other fortune cookies don't matter because life is so sweet. 

14. You're too good for real socks. 

15. Your cats treat you like the god among men they know you are. 


Author: verified_user