Thursday, August 3, 2017

14 Times You Marked A Loss As A Win

As an ultra-competitive person, I have always somewhat admired those who are able to lose 12–0 in a game of grade 6 soccer-baseball and brush it off with some stupid cliche like, "Well, at least we tried!"

I was the guy throwing the big red ball at the head of those peers who disappointed me most. Thankfully, I've calmed down a tad in my mid-20s.

This article is dedicated to those loveable losers who find bewildering ways to turn massive losses into wins. Cheers to the happy, ignorant masses. I admire you greatly.

1. As a Raiders fan...I'm desperate enough for a win that I'll take this as one.

2. "She didn't berate me OR crush me. My Tinder game is improving."

3. You did it!

4. "People have called me Larry the big fat loser my whole life. Who's losing now?"

5. To this day, no one knows who won the under-13 400m sprint of Greater Idaho.

6. Oh...oh well done, miss. Well done.

7. Chalk this up as a win.

8. The best of all the employees not qualified enough to earn a promotion!

9. Let us know if it's a boy or a girl!

10. About the only way to enjoy whoever wins November's election.

11. Any acronym is better than no acronym...that's how the saying goes right?

There's no saying about acronyms. I lied. 

12. Ever notice blue collar workers tend to have the best outlooks on life?

13. And I bet the Aussie was drunk, which makes it more impressive.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Gold, gold, gold!

14. When you win a national spelling bee and you immediately realize it comes with zero social benefits.


Author: verified_user