Like, when some jerk splashes you with their car, this mystery person simply helps clean you up — and then they take off before you can even say "thanks."
If these 16 photos were people, I'd like to think that this is exactly the type of person they'd be.
1. This kid may not be able to put her arms down but ain't nobody out-swaggin' 'er.
2. We learned from a young age that the food always wins.
I think that was also the point of Cookie Monster before they wussed him up.
3. Hahaha, yeah that seems about right.
Although, I don't see why you can't check both boxes.
4. Sometimes, life is just waiting for them to say "what the fuck?"
Whether it's the weird shit we've saved or like half the websites we've been to that start with the letter P, nobody escapes this moment forever.
5. God, this happens to me all the time.
And like, they always turn their head in just the right way where they stop looking like who I think they are. So it looks like I just stared daggers at them for no fucking reason.
6. Hey! I'll have you know that dad said I was a "calculated risk."
Fuck, that doesn't sound much better, does it?
7. It always takes so much longer than we'd think to get to this stage.
Of course, that's what makes it all the more satisfying when the hunt for the little bastard finally ends.
8. Yeah, they might as well say, "Oh, I saw your text. I just don't give a shit."
It's like damn, I'm not even worth the effort of a "cool story bro?"
9. If a pissed off family counts as a secret then, by all means, break on through.
Though, you might find the game will change to Grand Theft Auto really quick if you do.
10. Hey, they never said everything happens for a good reason.
I like how the keywords are in red just in case we're realllly slow.
11. Put this wall behind a curtain and I think you're got some real accuracy.
Like, it definitely feels like someone's laughing at us lately.
12. Well, it's good to see that Ghost Rider got a pet. He seemed pretty lonely.
I wonder if the cat gets a tiny motorcycle?
13. Like, does this person wanna freeze it and eat it or something?
14. This dog better stay focused, he's got some serious boning up to do.
15. Hahaha, yeah this captures exactly how it feels.
Both because we're stuffing ourselves and we feel like total snakes. But remember, the food always wins.
16. No matter where this dog goes now, they'll be like "oh that's just Dew. He's cool."
Nothing beats that kind of reputation, I'm telling you.