Friday, June 9, 2017

How Your Tongue Can Tell You If You're Healthy Or Not

Your tongue does some pretty amazing things. It helps you eat, talk, and breatheand it's great for sticking out at people. Hey, if it's good enough forEinstein, it's good enough for the rest of us!

Remember in old movies, when people thought something was wrong with them, they'd rush to a mirror and stick their tongues out? It's a sound principle. Your tongue can actually reveal health problems. So the next time you're not feeling quite yourself, stick your tongue out.

1. Red tongue? Could be a vitamin deficiency.

Like, bright red, and you didn't just eat a red popsicle. You might need to re-work your diet to make sure you're getting the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs. Otherwise, you might want to consider a vitamin supplementand if that doesn't work, see your doctor.

2. Cracks in your tongue? It's usually a sign of aging.

It's nothing too serious, just a normal part of getting olderalthough some folks get cracks in their tongues while they're still young. The important thing is to clean your mouth thoroughly so none of the cracks gets infected.

3. Brown, nasty-looking tongue? Poor hygiene.

You need to get back to the basics: brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. Make sure to floss and rinse with mouthwash every time you brushand the state of your tongue will improve quickly.

4. White, powdery tongue? Probably a yeast infection.

Sometimes called "thrush," it's not uncommon to see this in people on antibiotics and in babies. Your doctor might prescribe something to help it go away, but there are over-the-counter treatments as well.

5. Burning sensation in your tongue? Could be menopause.

Nothing like a localized hot flash, right? It will go away in time. However, if you're not around the age of menopause, then it might be the brand of toothpaste you're using. If you just switched brands and the burning sensation is new, you might want to switch back.

6. Small, painful sores on your tongue? It's likely stress.

When we're stressed, our bodies react in some funny ways. These painful sores will go away when you slow down a bit and relax. 

7. White patches on your tongue? Something is irritating your mouth.

White, patchy areas on your tongue mean something in there is irritating things. It's not uncommon for smokers to see these formations, especially on the underside of the tongue. They're usually benign, but maybe check with your doctor if they're really bothering you.

8. Small lumps on your tongue? Could be cancer.

The obvious thing to do here is to see your doctor ASAP. Don't leave it to chance.

9. Hills and valleys? You're good!

A healthy mouth has some hill and valley patternsit's perfectly normal.

Main and collage images via flickr / k_thryse


Author: verified_user