Thursday, March 2, 2017

15 Clueless People Who Are Totally The Butt Of The Joke

Have you ever had the feeling that everyone was laughing at you? As a bearded man, this is pretty much the fear I have when I go out to eat in public. You can have all the napkins in the world, but every meal ends with "is there anything on my face?" It's a struggle, but compared to the struggle of looking like my baby-faced self, I'll deal with it. At least if I get any dirty looks or subtle snickers, I can jump to the conclusion that I've been lied to and that there is indeed pasta sauce all over my face.

As for these people, they're probably wondering why everyone keeps laughing at them. Some might just be from poor timing, but for the most part, mistakes were made.

If you know someone who always finds themselves in these situations, share it with them, or comment with some of you favorite stories! 
1. We've all had that moment where we're so emotional we eat almost anything 

2. When your hooman thinks they call the shots and can tell you where you can and can't stand 

The dog was sent outside as punishment for standing on a table.

3. No, dude. It totally makes sense to act as nonchalant as possible while making a fool of yourself in front of everyone 

4. The moment you give out that fake "noooo" but actually let it happen 

5. Remember that time Google Maps caught you getting mugged by a toddler? 

6. Or when they saw you basically just give up on your child

7. I can just feel his dead eyes staring at me as I try to eat!

8. That time your dog thought he had fallen in the rankings of favorite pet

9. I make a new enemy every time I visit a museum 

10. I won't lie. I miss having the excuse of just being a kid who didn't know any better

11. That's the face of someone who will never trust again 

12. Honestly, you can't just give everyone the punchline like that

13. This spider has no time for your selfies

14. Poor guy. It's hard enough being a grownup and forced to take public transit 

15. When your cat is more motivated to make some serious life changes than you are 

Main image via reddit / argyleshark

Collage image via uberhumor


Author: verified_user