can't live with them and you can't live without them. They are easily the highest and best form of free entertainment on this planet (and no, I'm not making a perverted mom joke right now). They're seriously hilarious without even meaning to be. For example, have you ever read a text message from your mother? It's probably the best and, unintentionally, the funniest text you'll receive all day. It's like the mom equivalent of dad jokes are mom texts, and they're just as funny.
1. This mom who feels the need to introduce herself with every text:
2. The disappearing text act is best performed by mom:
3. The "I don't know that lower case text messaging exists" mom:
4. The mom who mistakenly reveals too much information:
5. The mom who abuses 911:
6. The ghost text messaging mother:
7. The mom with the weird emoticons:
8. The mom who has blonde moments:
9. The mom who is always trying to play matchmaker:
10. The mom who asks 1001 questions at the worst times:
11. The mom who misspells go:
12. The mom who thinks she made a cute new emoticon only to fail to realize it looks exactly like a...:
13. The mom who keeps misplacing her masturbator:
14. The mom who knows her kid has a way with...wait, what?