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Meet Thor, one of the cutest cats... Ever.
Thor is a Bengal cat.
But what sets him apart from other Bengals is how amazing his fur is.
Not only does Thor have amazing fur, but he loves to do all kinds of things, too.
Look at that face!
Like going for walks!
What kind of cat even likes to go for walks? Mine just lay down or get extremely scared when they go outside.
His owner just leashes him up.
And off they go, venturing off into the world! Is Thor half dog?
According to his owner, Rani Cucicov, he loves to talk.
If you've never heard a talkative cat before, let's just say they're loud... Very loud.
And his favorite food? I would've thought fish, but at least I wasn't too far off.
Because Thor's delicacy of choice is shrimp! Nom nom nom.
And like all other cats, Thor loves nap time.
Because what kind of cat isn't forever asleep?
Let's not forget the fact that cats love computers.
Because they're constantly taking them from their owners!
It's definitely understandable how his model good looks won over the internet.
I mean, he is the King of Cats, right?