Tuesday, December 13, 2016

He Ate Only Potatoes For A Month, And THIS Is What Happened

The busier life gets, the harder it is to motivate ourselves to stay healthy. And even if we can find that willpower, how do we go about it? If you ask enough people about the best way to live a healthy life, you can get a million answers.

And one of them comes from 36-year-old Andrew Flinders Taylor, who has decided he's going to spend the year eating only potatoes. Let's have a look at what he has in mind and whether it's a good idea.

Please COMMENT and tell us what you think of this potato-only diet!

Taylor is a self-described "wannabe sportsman" and avid kayaker.

But he had been unsatisfied by his fitness for the last two years and reported being his heaviest ever.

He said he wanted to see food as fuel rather than something that controls his life.

And that's what led him to eat only potatoes this year.

And he's trying out new ways of eating them, like this potato pancake.

If you're going to eat over six pounds of potatoes a day, you've got to mix it up.

And after a month of doing this, he's lost 22 pounds.

But is this potato-only diet really a good idea?

Surprisingly, his doctor seems to think so.

Taylor said he was only going to eat white potatoes, but the dietitian recommended adding sweet potatoes as well.

As diets go, it isn't the craziest option out there.

After all, potatoes are a good source of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber.

But as fellow potato-only dieter Chris Voight found out, there are some drawbacks.

It turns out potatoes don't give you enough protein, calcium, or vitamins A, E, and K.

To address this, Taylor mixes his potatoes with calcium-fortified soy milk.

He also said he'd stop the diet if "something goes wrong," which just might since many nutritionists agree you can't just live off potatoes.

And remember that weight loss isn't everything.

After all, Mark Haub lost 27 pounds in two months eating only snack foods like Twinkies, Oreos and Doritos.

Even though his cholesterol was at good levels, Haub wouldn't recommend his diet.

As he put it, "I'm not geared to say this is a good thing to do."

And other doctors didn't recommend it either.

They said he was getting about 1,000 calories fewer than he needed and his diet was "anything but balanced." 

Please COMMENT and tell us if you think the potato diet is going to work out.


Author: verified_user