Wednesday, December 28, 2016

16 Things People Took Way Too Literally

When you find yourself learning a new language, you'll often find that the literal translation of certain terms never quite says what the term actually means. Yet that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise since English is just as full of odd expressions and common metaphors that would seem pretty confusing to novice speakers.

After all, we don't often see literal cases where the blind lead the blind down a path, and the poverty line isn't normally a thing you can actually observe in the world. 

Still, sometimes these expressions can actually take their literal forms. Sure, that's usually because someone thought they were being clever, but it's also possible for things to just coincidentally end up that way.

We'll be seeing a lot of both in these 16 photos, but they're still worth a chuckle no matter how they came to be.

Don't forget to COMMENT and tell us what things you've seen that could only be described in the most literal terms possible.

1. It's nice of that sign to demonstrate what it wants you to do.

Hopefully drivers aren't quite as literal as the sign, or that's not going to be a fun highway before long.

2. Apparently this was the result when someone ordered a half cheese, half mushroom pizza.

It already kind of sucks that they took it so literally, but the half with cheese still has mushrooms on it to boot. 

3. Well, this is about as close as you can get to a literal license plate.

When you're working with a character limit, you have to get a little creative.

4. It looks like someone took that ad really seriously.

Maybe they were worried their 30 minutes was about to run out.

Strangely, that's not the only time an unexpected crash made slogans a little too literal.

5. Well, it certainly does today.

It's a good thing the world doesn't always work like this or this paper wouldn't have any subscribers.

6. Clearly someone was always upset they couldn't rest things on the periodic table. 

Finally, all is right with the world again.

7. Well, well, aren't we clever?

I wonder how far they're actually willing to go with that house salad. After all, I'm sure someone has tried to order that by now.

8. Yes, I can see that.

I feel like someone involved had to realize what was going on here, even if it was just whoever installed it.

Considering how crazy things can get on Black Friday, I'm surprised this next one doesn't happen more often.

9. I wonder how long it took store owners to regret that name for these sales. 

I guess it's worth all the chaos since you'd think they'd have stopped doing them by now.

10. It's okay, we all draw a blank sometimes. 

I guess when they're already there with the spray paint, there's no reason to let writer's block stop them.

11. It's funny how a brand name can turn into a taunt in the right circumstances.

Hopefully it doesn't give this guy's car any ideas. I think folks are just as enthusiastic about dodging it as he is about having to guess what time it is. 

12. In case you can't make it out, that's an ad for Fifty Shades of Grey.

I can't actually tell if there are really 50 shades in there, but I'm just going to assume it's literal.

13. That is some incredibly accurate reporting.

He probably didn't want to, but Joe Johns has taken that term to new heights. Hey, just because the photos are literal doesn't mean I have to be. 

14. Well, I guess that's what you get when you try to be clever about your signs.

Although it's probably going to suck more for any smart alecks that actually try than anyone else. 

15. Someone's finally given the escape key the chance to live out its true calling.

Hopefully its adventures don't just end with a vacuum cleaner five minutes later.

16. I always thought it was weird that we call it that.

I guess it's way easier to make this happen than it is to make a literal flash drive.

Remember to COMMENT and tell us about the folks in your life who can stop taking things literally.


Author: verified_user