Tuesday, October 18, 2016

12 Potentially Dangerous Bathroom Habits

We're all guilty of a few bad habits. We don't always know it, but even the ones we're aware of are tough to break. Bad habits aren't all created equally, of course. Leaving your socks on the floor is an inconvenience and inconsiderate to the people you're living with, but it's not a life-and-death matter.

Bad habits in the bathroom, however, can have more serious consequences. We all know the bathroom is one of the dirtier places in the house. That's why we usually clean it often and deeply. But allowing some of these bad habits to linger can undo much of that hard work and expose you to more than a mere inconvenience...

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1. Hanging your damp, dirty towels scrunched up on hooks.

Wet towels have no chance of drying completely when they're on hooks like that, which provides a wonderful breeding ground for mold and mildew. Instead, spread your towels out on a bar so they dry evenly.

2. Leaving things all over your counter.

The longer things stay out on the bathroom counter, the better chance they have to come into contact with bacteria and germs. Do you really want to touch your face and eyes with makeup brushes and eyeliner pencils that have been collecting germs in your bathroom for weeks?

3. Using the same toothbrush after you've been sick.

Ever wonder why you get stubborn colds that just won't go away? Your toothbrush could be the cause. The germs that make you sick can get caught up in your toothbrush's bristles and live there for weeks. So when you're starting to feel better, you're probably best to replace your toothbrush or give it a deep cleaning.

4. Storing your toothbrush in an airtight container.

Just like your towels, your toothbrush needs to get some air on it to dry out properly and not host mildew. And you don't want your toothbrushes touching other toothbrushes in the same cup — that's a recipe for cross-contamination.

5. Not cleaning the door handles.

Sure, you're a good hand-washer, but can you say that for everybody in your house? Because you'll pick up their germs when you open the door. Be sure to sanitize the door handles in your home, especially in the bathroom, in your weekly cleaning regimen.

6. Letting your shower curtain get gross and mildewy. 

Those little black spots are literally millions of mold spores. How gross is that? They love warm, damp spots, like your shower curtain, especially if you leave it scrunched up off to one side when you're not in the shower. Instead, draw the curtain across and let it dry out when you're not in there. And clean it with bleach or replace it when the mold gets out of hand.

7. Using old razors or razors that have been sitting in your shower.

If you get lazy with your razor blades and let them sit in a puddle in your shower, the blades can rust and harbor germs. And with an older blade that has been used more than four or five times, the likelihood of nicks goes up. Yes, razor blades are crazy expensive, but that beats getting an infection!

8. Taking your phone into the bathroom.

This might be the toughest habit to break, because when you're sitting there waiting for nature to take its course, you get bored. And what are you going to do, read the shampoo bottles? Really? That being said, your phone will be exposed to all that nasty bacteria when you flush, and you're going to put that up to your face when you call someone...

9. Not closing the toilet lid when you flush.

Flushing with the lid up releases all kinds of nasty bacteria into the air and spreads it around the room. Keep the germs where they belong and clean your toilet bowl regularly.

10. Not sanitizing your tub.

Even as you're having a good, soothing soak in your tub, you're actually stewing in a soup of germs. If you share your home, you could be dealing with other people's bodily residues if you don't clean your tub between baths. Your bubble bath doesn't do enough to properly sanitize your tub; you will need bleach for that.

11. Not running the fan when you take a hot shower.

The steam created by your hot shower needs to be ventilated by the fan or you will create a perfect environment for mildew and mold to take hold on the walls.

12. Using a bath sponge or loofah for too long.

These bath sponges aren't just breeding grounds for mold and mildew when they sit in the shower; they're also home to dead skin cells from your own body — plus they don't go through your laundry like a facecloth does. Always rinse them with hot water and let them dry properly between uses, and replace them after three months.

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Author: verified_user