Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Amateur Mad Scientist Declares War On Fish Tank

When you see something on fire, you should go for water, right? Or when you want to cool off a hot metal pan, you run cold water over it. As it turns out, water isn't quite the cure-all we think it is. Water doesn't get along with everything in the world. Some elements hate being in water, and when you see them come together, it doesn't leave any doubt. The reaction can be...violent.

What's better than watching a chemical reaction erupt in dramatic glory? How about watching it in minute detail through a high-speed camera? 

YouTuber TheBackyardScientist has played around with hot metals and a variety of objects and examined the effect with a high-speed camera fairly often, and he's gotten some prettyincredible shots of chemistry at work.

In this video, he fills hollow-point bullets with some of those elements that don't react well with water — sodium and potassium, in this case — and fires them into a water-filled fish tank. Needless to say, the high-speed camera catches some explosive action. And it should also go without saying that you shouldn't try this at home. 

SHARE this if you love to see science in action!


Author: verified_user