Saturday, August 13, 2016

These Adorable Photos Of Parents-To-Be Will Make You Want To Have A Baby

Bringing a new life into the world is one of the most beautiful yet challenging things anyone can go through.  I remember the moment my wife told me she was pregnant with our first child like it was yesterday.  From that moment forward during her pregnancy, it was no longer just her and I together, but the three of us. 

Sleep is one time that a couple can recover from the uncertainty of a new life while still being together. Rarely though are those moments frozen in time for us to see, unedited and real. Jana Romanova, a Russian photographer, decided to devote an entire project to this called, "Waiting." In it, she captures new pregnant couples in one of their most private moments: while they sleep.

Take some time to go through these beautiful natural shots of pregnant couples while they sleep – I think you'll be surprised by how sentimental they'll make you feel.  

Unfortunately, as my cats know all too well, expecting couples just don't have the time they used to for their pets.  

By the looks of it, this couple could use some time space. They're still holding hands, though.

They both seem pretty exhausted, but he's using the energy he has left to hold her.

That smile on her face and his hand on her belly lets us all know how content this couple is.

A new child in the family is exciting for the little ones who are looking forward to a baby brother or sister.

Of course, I bet she's hoping for a little sister.

They may not know it now...

but they'll soon realize that as her belly gets bigger, they'll need a bigger bed, too.

This couple is taking advantage of their pull-out bed – well, we all start somewhere!

Or maybe they just needed a change of pace from their usual bed.

You can clearly see how satisfied they are to be asleep.

There's so many beautiful couples, and yet they're all so different!

When the baby comes, there won't be many nights like this – he'll be too exhausted to not just pass out.

But you can tell he's still happily looking forward to it anyway.

This couple is having a cat nap... in their giant cat bed!

As my wife did many times, this woman fell asleep giving her baby a soft rub.

Making an already small bed seem big enough by fully embracing.  

Straight passed out.

You get the feeling that he pulled her closer during the night.

This couple seems to be very organized.. for now.

Hey, sometimes you just need to roll away and have your own space too.

Nothing wrong with that.

She miiiggght want to watch where that thumb's going.

Just sayin'.


Author: verified_user