Friday, October 2, 2015

You Are Not Emotionally Ready To Read What Jenna Fischer Wrote About Jim And Pam In Her Book

You know about Jim and Pam, right? You know, the purest and most wonderful couple in the history of mockumentaries about the American workplace? 

Well, get ready to ugly sob because Jenna Fischer just wrote the absolute sweetest thing about her chemistry with John Krasinski, and you're not prepared for it. 

Fischer's new bookThe Actor's Life: A Survival Guide, just came out, and, of course, it's full of behind the scenes tidbits about The Office.  

She describes in gut-wrenching detail how her real-life chemistry with John Krasinski helped them portray the iconic couple. 

She starts by recalling the first time she met John during the audition process. 

“I remember the day we met. As I was being shown to the actor’s holding room, he was just being called in to read with another potential Pam […] As he passed by, he introduced himself, and we shook hands. It was if lightning struck through the center of the room,” wrote Fischer. 

LIGHTNING! I am dead. 

Their chemistry was undeniable right off the bat — and they both knew it. 

“John and I were walking out of an audition scene, and he suddenly turned to me and whispered, ‘You’re my favorite Pam. I hope you get this job,'” she continued. 

“It was exactly as sweet and cute and supportive as anything Jim would say to Pam. I smiled really big and said, ‘I’m so glad you said that because you’re my favorite Jim and I don’t think anyone could do it except for you.'”

My heart cannot handle this. 

She even explained how she felt when she filmed thaticonic kiss scene.

The kiss in "Casino Night" has got to be one of the greatest onscreen kisses of all time and you can fight me on that. 

“When he walked away, I felt completely transported into a new reality. I was Pam, I was talking with my mother, and my heart was breaking,” she wrote. 

“I spoke into the phone, telling her I was in love with Jim, but I couldn’t confess my feelings to him. Suddenly, Jim walked in the door. I turned and saw him and my heart felt like it might burst out of my chest. I wanted so much to tell him how I felt, but before I could, he kissed me. It was perfect.”

It was perfect, Jenna. It was. 

Excuse me while I try to process my emotions for the next hundred years. 

And here's to Pam and Jim for reminding me yet again how single I am, despite the fact that The Officeended four years ago. 

How do you feel? COMMENTand let us know, and SHAREwith someone who loves Jim and Pam. 


Author: verified_user