Sunday, August 7, 2016

Photo Sharing Project Aims To Show The Beauty Of Fatherhood Without Fear

You know that self-deprecating joke a lot of dads make about being a "babysitter"? I'm sure every dad has made it once in their lives: "Sorry, dude, can't make the game today. I have to babysit the kids while their mom's away." 

But what seems like a harmless joke is actually highlighting a sad reality of current culture where the role of dads is often forgotten in the great adventure that is parenting. Things have gotten better, but it remains important to highlight the wonder that is fatherhood alongside that of motherhood. For both women and men, it's good to remember that parenting is a partnership. 

January and Brandon Harshe set out to highlight the beauty of fatherhood with their project titled Fatherhood Without Fear.

The idea is an off-shoot of their first project, Birth Without Fear. 

They created the Instagram account @dontforgetdads as a way to promote photos of loving fathers.

January says that she wanted dads to know they aren't alone. "I know that women feel a lot of times that they're alone in this whole journey," she told ATTN. "And men definitely do too."

The goal is to highlight the importance of a father's role in a child's development. 

And to fight against the idea that there is something unmanly about a dad embracing the more sensitive side of fatherhood. 

"In our culture, it's very much like mom has her role and dad's role is outside of the home," January said. 

"The more and more we can show in social media that dads are engaged, the more we can break through the stereotypes."
Continue to the next page to see some more of the great photos the project has featured. 

Photos include candid shots of dads sleeping with their infants. 

Or birth photos proving that it's okay to cry happy tears.

There's nothing wrong with showing raw emotion. 

The dads featured are clearly in love with their little ones. 

Look at that smile!

And they aren't afraid to wear a baby in public. 

That there is a good dad. 
SHAREthis project's message of fatherhood with all the dads in your life!

h/t Instagram / @dontforgetdads


Author: verified_user