No texting during class, clean up after yourself, don't sniff the formaldehyde — teachers are responsible for enforcing a lot of rules in the classroom.
Sure, it's their job, but like all of us, they're bound to get sick of their job once in a while, and there's nothing that makes a job more interesting than breaking a few rules!
1. This teacher who knows how to discourage frivolous bathroom breaks
Trust me, you're not going to walk around the school for 15 minutes carrying that thing around.
2. These teachers who made honesty their policy
Okay, so maybe they didn't get to say all those things to their actual pupils, but I'm sure making the video was therapeutic enough!
3. This teacher who isn't afraid to make jokes about how long his students take on their bathroom breaks
4. This professor who knows how to work the system
Hey, if no one comes to your office hours, what's the point of being there?
5. This professor with a specialty in quadratics and memes
There aren't a lot of things that make math tolerable, but memes are definitely one of them.
6. This professor staged a peaceful protest for the greater good
Social activism is an important part of any college education.
7. This teacher who compared their PDA-inclined students to slobbery cows
Not exactly The Notebook material.
8. This teacher who has no time for fire safety rules
Either that or he really, really hates bugs...
On the bright side, if the fire alarm goes off, you can skip the rest of chemistry class!
9. This teacher who was clearly sick of their students looking at the clock non-stop
Nothing like some engaging wall art to encourage learning!
10. This teacher who has a special bin for late papers
You can't really blame them. Late assignments are the equivalent of your boss canceling your shift and then asking you to work overtime.
11. This teacher who just awed the class with his sweet PowerPoint skills
I'm sure most teachers wish they could start their lessons with those first two words.
12. This teacher who discovered the best method of taking attendance
Two birds, one stone! Now that's problem-solving...
13. This troll professor who trolled his students in the trolliest way ever
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
14. This teacher who exercised their artistic abilities
Marking exams can be one of the most tedious tasks in the world, so you may as well make it fun if you can!
15. This teacher who decided it wasn't worth the eyestrain
I would have killed to have had a teacher like this in my day.
16. This teacher who clearly wasn't interested in staying after class
I'm sure his replacement is fully capable of explaining how to do quadratic functions...
17. This prof who swiped right
Out of all the awkward message situations that occur on Tinder, this is probably the least upsetting...unless you were hoping for an A...
18. This teacher and his beverage of choice
Not only is it a great intimidation tactic, but I hear it has more electrolytes than Gatorade or coconut water!
19. This teacher whose morals are definitely for sale
Parent-teacher interviews are not only for getting to know your students better, but they're also a great opportunity to make a little extra cash on the side.
20. This prof and his sweet paperweight
We all have different ways of coping with our problems...sometimes, it's to burn them.
I guess some students just stay with you forever...
21. This teacher who recognized their student's outstanding accomplishment
As an educator, it's important to acknowledge special skills and give credit where it's due
22. This teacher who isn't sparing any feelings
If you hated writing it once, just think about spending your whole weekend marking it thirty times!
23. This teacher who makes the penless students use quills
"Despite the fact I'm just coloring in test bubbles, I feel like the Bard himself!"
24. This teacher who clearly has a favorite meme
You might think memes are a joke, but they're how some of us — myself included — make a living. Although, if I'd paid more attention in science class, maybe this would have been different.
25. This teacher who doesn't joke around when it comes to fonts
I think I'd be perfectly fine if all my college essays had been burned before reading
26. This teacher who created an extremely intimidating hall pass
If that doesn't stop people from stealing it, I don't know what will!
27. This teacher who knows what you're really doing in class
Speak for yourself, Mr. Teacher Man, many people find my crotch highly amusing!
28. This teacher who loves some good, old-fashioned slapstick
Never underestimate a teacher's sense of humor. They love to see your classmates humiliated just as much as you do.
29. This teacher who knows how to deal with students who skip
The effort they put into that milk carton is particularly impressive...
30. Apparently, even cooking teachers get fedup!
Cooking class ain't always a slice! My puns aren't always this cheesy! Ha. Ha...
31. These teachers who give less frigs than Beyoncé when she wrote Lemonade
Look closely and you'll see they've also superimposed their heads on her backup dancers!