Monday, March 21, 2016

23 Bizarre Pictures That Will Make You Say "WTF," Laugh, And Facepalm All At Once

Have you heard the saying "some things are better left unsaid" ? These pictures embody a similar idea, but it is more like "some things are better left unquestioned." 

This list is going to confuse you, and then make you laugh, and then puzzle you some more.

Just enjoy questions asked. You may experience this emotion throughout:

1. Huh? 

2. This guy was born with two different colored eyebrows and eyelashes....mysterious 

3.  What is this? The most boring crimes ever reported? 

4. What is this? A fence for ants?

5. WTF

6. Pigeon patiently waiting for the bus? What ARE you?

7.  ?!?!?

8. Horrifying 

9. You ordered what?!

10. This thought process...

11. In 3...2...1

12. Sneaky penguins 

13. This is a thing

14. How chic 

15. Ok, wait just one minute...

16. What is going on?

17.  Appetizing 

18. This is new...

19. Context, please 

20. Why?

21. Sir, your arm, um..

22. Facepalm 

23. And with this cow, this WTF list concludes


Author: verified_user