Saturday, February 20, 2016

Man Gives Up Sugar And Alcohol For One Month

For a lot of us, eating sugar and drinking alcohol is so much of a part of our lives that we never really give it any thought. It's so normal and accepted that we don't stop to think about the harmful consequences. Sure, we know that a second chocolate bar probably isn't such a good idea, but, really, neither was the first! And to top it all off, sugar is in everything. It's in your condiments, it's in your snack food, and most of the time, we don't even know it.

So a few Dutch scientists conducted an experiment to see what it would be like if someone completely eliminated sugar and alcohol from their diet for an entire month. Let's just say it's not pretty. You have to see this for yourself:

First, he checked in with a physician for his starting stats.

His cholesterol is a little bit high, so we'll see what happens at the end of one month...

Sugar is in EVERYTHING. How is he going to manage this?

One week in and it's already starting to take its toll...

The cravings are ridiculous.

Temptation everywhere, even when you least expect it.

Again, everything is so tempting. This has to be the hardest part of the experiment.

His diet is quite simple. This is really what we should all be eating on a daily basis.

But the results, they're surprising.

And so worth it.

How did the experiment turn out? Watch the video and see:

Main and collage images via YouTube / lifehunterstv


Author: verified_user