Thursday, May 31, 2018

Unaware He Was Allergic, Man Dies From Bee Sting

Gardening is a cumbersome but relaxing endeavor. Being able to bring life to so many plants and nurture them is beautiful, especially if you're growing bright flowers! Even if gardening isn't your cup of tea, I'm sure everyone can agree that a nice garden is an amazing addition to any home. With a beautiful garden inevitably comes bees, though. Bees are absolutely necessary to have, but some of them are a bit too defensive. Unfortunately for this Tampa Bay man, the bees were defending their hive hidden inside his garden.

It was just any other day for John Clarke, but sadly, it was going to be his last. John was just watering his garden outside his home in Tampa Bay, Florida. All of a sudden he was stung four times by yellow jackets. Yellow jackets are the mean ones who aren't plump and fuzzy. They also go by the name "wasp," and are capable of stinging multiple times. Unfortunately for John Clarke, he had an allergy to bee stings. The worst part about his allergy? Neither he nor his wife knew about it, so they didn't act appropriately. After being stung, John went inside and told his wife about the sting. Within one hour, John began to feel numbness and was overcome by a difficulty to breathe. As he gasped for air, John told his wife that he loved her.

Do you know anyone with a bee allergy? SHARE this with them!


Author: verified_user