Sunday, January 10, 2016

16 Funny Snapchats That Are Totally Weird

Snapchat's been around long enough that most of us have taken it from a simple social app to a full-on art form. Seriously, some people have wicked skill with that thing. 

For my money, though, the funniest snaps are the weirdest ones — or at least the ones I wouldn't ever think of. Here are some hilarious ones that caught us off guard! 

1. No filter can hide your true feelings.

Just look at this poor li'l pupper. Don't worry, ma'am, I'm sure he'll come home safe and sound very soon. Hang in there!

2. What, do they just let any dummy send snaps now?

Man, I thought we were livin' in the future. Is this really the most realistic we can make fake faces?

3. Some filters should just go away and never return.

The whole "turn your face into an emoji" filter was one of them! Made us all look like serial killers or something.

4. I'm sure there are thousands of scandalous snaps being sent out there, but this one might take the cake.

If you wanna be fast like Sonic, you better have some long legs.

5. Oh, man, I know that look. You're in troubleee!

Art should never be about what the artist intended, but what we can take away from it — like being sassy AF.

6. The truth is out there, and the nose knows!

I mean, this sums up Snapchat right there, doesn't it? You're bored, you start doodling, then suddenly, you have a masterpiece!

7. When your friend unintentionally sends you nightmare fuel.

With friends like these, who needs poltergeists? Thanks for the snap, pal. I'll be up all night now, if you need me.

8. This guy's snap story is really shining!

Well, hopefully, homie here isn't living in a hotel with his dad. I've seen that movie, and I can tell ya it doesn't end well.

9. What kind of horrific murderer are you?!

Like dipping a chicken breast in egg yolk, this is just overkill, ya know? If you gotta keep your bananas in line, though, this would work.

10. This one may be a deep cut for anyone who didn't grow up with this show, but I loved it.

Knowing Doug, no matter what outfit he's wearing, he's not catching a break.

11. If Snapchat isn't used for sharing life's most bizarre and grotesque moments, what good is it?

This is true, though. We've all had it happen. Close up, it's even weirder. 

12. Also, puns! People are really stepping up their pun game on Snapchat lately. 

I guess I'd better boneup on my pun game if I wanna hit the right skele-tone, amirite?

13. Oh no, another scandalous snap has been leaked to the internet. 

Now the whole world can witness this person's dirty tape. Everyone, please make sure to secure your stuff out there!

14. Now these are the snaps we're used to seeing...sorta.

Man, if that ain't me in, like, 90% of the selfies I take. The key is to look shocked and weird. 

15. You know, something tells me that this person ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.

I mean, they're clever enough to come up with this, but lookin' kinda dumb with a finger and a thumb, etc.

16. And lastly, every now and then a good boy needs to show his bad side ;)

I bet he gets all the bitches. And I only mean that literally!!! Female dogs.


Author: verified_user