Wednesday, January 28, 2015

16 Pictures That Perfectly Describe Every Parent's Life

If I see one more friggin' image of a family all neatly seated around the dinner table, eating all of their veggies and laughing together in perfect harmony, I'm going to snap.

Do you have kids? If your answer was "yes," then you probably agree with me.

Parenting is awesome. But there are so many more appropriate adjectives — messy, dirty, candid, embarrassing, loud, exhausting, gross...adventurous? Does that sound better?

But I kid. The parenting gig is tough at times, but we NEED to laugh at life's little mishaps.

Not everything will go to plan. In fact, MOST things won't. So go with the flow and you'll have way more fun.

SHARE this hilarious list with friends who can relate! #14 OMG.

1. When this is a nightmare highly likely to become a reality.

Or is she just starting a new reverse-mohawk fashion trend?

2. When your face is just an open area for little feet to get leverage.

They think we are playgrounds.

3. When poop literally looks like it may have hit the fan.

Should have went with the hardwood.

4. When you just walk in a room, already exhausted, and see something akin to THIS.

Remind yourself you love them.

5. When they find the one marker you forgot to put away.

"She's in her crib. She'll be fine." — You, back when you were crazy. 

6. When you didn't pack extra clothes that one time.

Ah yes, the classic "blowout."

7. When they borrow your stuff.

It was like this before, right?

8. When they want to look just like Mommy!

She totally nailed the contouring though.

9. When it's already embarrassing that you have to use these (totally necessary) kid leashes.

Can't we hire walkers for this type of stuff?

10. When you think you're about to have an intimate moment with your partner.


11. When you can't even please them with a casual daily pleasantry. 

How DARE you.

12. When you go down to the beach for a simple family photo.

"On the count of three, JUMP! One, two — aaand I dropped you."

13. When they find the best clubhouse ever.

How did they even get in there?

14. When you're sick of losing on purpose ALL the time.

It's good to experience loss when you're a kid, right? Right?!

15. When you're so tired that you leave your shoes on and scan your baby at airport security.

I've been there.

16. When their logic is just terrible.

SHARE this list with friends who can relate!

What #parentingstruggle do you face? COMMENTwith your thoughts!


Author: verified_user