Friday, December 11, 2015

Guy Makes His Roommate's Messes Into Awesome Passive-Aggressive Art Gallery

Living with roommates is always a challenge. Every habit you pick up in your life, everything you learned at home growing up, runs into all the habits somebody else has picked up. If you've been brought up to always replace the roll of paper towel when it's done and you find yourself sharing a home with someone who's always had somebody do that sort of thing for them, there will be conflict. It's going to happen. How you react to it is the key. For Justin Cousson, a slob of a roommate became a source of passive-aggressive genius as each little mess became an art installation. As hilarious as it is, you have to wonder if the roommate got the message.

"Cheese Knife." Mixed-media, 2017. $500.

Not much of a story behind this one, but it's not hard to imagine what happened here.

"Sour Cream-Covered Spoon Left In Sink Before Leaving Town For Four Days." Mixed-media (metal, porcelain, sour cream, filth), 2017. $3400.

You have to be amazed that the spoon got into the sink without even being rinsed off by the tap right above it.

"Knife Left Out On Counter In Striking Distance of Knife Block, Having Been Only Used to Remove Seal of Ice Cream Carton, Which Was Also Left On Counter, Leaving Quite the Sight As the Last Thing I Saw Before I Gratefully Left Town for Two Weeks." Mixed-media, 2017. $600.

Sadly, we didn't get to learn what happened to the ice cream carton. 

"Shoes on Shoe Rack (Nearly)." Mixed-media, 2017. $

So close!

"Clothes Left in Dryer Overnight, Then Another Night, Then..." Mixed-media, 2017. $1395.

At least it wasn't the washing machine?

"Choose Your Weapon (Or, Midnight Snack)." Mixed-media, 2017. $53,000.

Wow, high hopes for a sale on this one! Also, what the heck did he open with those scissors?

"A Monument to A Vanquished Paper Towel Roll or New Rolls Are [Arrow Pointing Downward] But Bending Down is Hard." Mixed-media, 2017. $4,200. 

This one is weird, because you know the roommate is unlikely to have used the paper towel to actually clean something.

"Boxes Left on Couch Because What Even *Is* Breaking Them Down and Recycling or Even Leaving Them Not On the Couch." Mixed-media, 2017. $6,000.

Well now I'm just curious about what came in the Amazon box.

"Forgotten Milk, Left To Actively Go Rancid in Fridge Far Beyond Sell-By Date." Mixed-Media (Plastic and Animal By-Products), 2017. $700.

As Justin notes, "great art appreciates in value over time," so...

When the sour milk failed to move, the price went up to $900.


Have you ever had a roommate like this?

h/t Justin Cousson


Author: verified_user