Sunday, November 22, 2015

19 Awkward Texts That Bring The Cringe

Modern technology exists to help us communicate more effectively, but it doesn't always work out quite right. Thanks to people who don't double-check phone numbers and ingenious features like auto correct, we can laugh it up. Until it happens to us, anyways.

1. Worst. Dad. Joke. Ever. 

Prepare to spend exorbitant amounts of money on therapy.

2.  What's a boobsicle? 

Your iPhone is plotting against you.

3. Cat? Check. Priorities? Check. 

Not wanting to disturb the cat is a legitimate reason to stay in. 

4. Those are two totally different things.

Sureeeeeee you don't do that. Your secret is safe with me. 

5. This is a really unfortunate word swap. 

Don't shoot the messenger. 

6. Probably the meanest thing you can do to your mother.

How long do you think it'll take her to figure it out? 

7. Attack of the Killer Moths, featuring Dad.

But actually, who's going to take care of that moth?

8. This (almost) coming out story.

I'm not even going to begin dissecting what's wrong with this. 

9. To be fair, Oreo cereal is better than pretty much anyone. 

FYI, you can use mini Oreos as cereal. 

10. It's important to be on the same page in a relationship. 

It's particularly important to know what kind of relationship you actually have. 

11. Pure gold. 

This is the best method of dealing with a wrong number I've ever seen. 

12. It's almost too easy, really.

Why do moms always get the short end of the stick? 

13. That's a friend worth keeping.

Always looking out for your best interests. 

14. Why does this even exist?

And why does it seem like you've used it before? 

15. The truth comes out.

It's just easier to blame the iPhone. 

16. She tried her best. 

Parents are hilarious. 

17. Oops.

18. Foreskin =/= nuts. 

They're two totally different parts of the body. Just sayin'. 

19. No, you weren't drunk at ALL. 

Angry birds: know your limit. 


Author: verified_user