Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Grandma Creates Hilarious Emojis That Better Represent Baby Boomers

Those kids these days and their emojis, am I right? There are hundreds of emojis out there that seem to express every emotion possible from sadness to hate to surprise. 

There's one major problem, though: where are all the emojis depicting the type of stuff older adults go through, like back pain or the brilliant game that is bingo?

Diane Hill, 56, from Coventry, UK decided one day that she was totally fed up with all these emojis for the kids. She decided that there was a place in the world for emojis that older adults can relate to, so she proposed the idea to the BBC. Oh boy, these are good...COMMENT on Facebook letting us know what you think of these "mature" emojis.

Do you find yourself totally confused by all these non-relatable unicorn or poop emojis? 

Well, one woman may have single-handedly made it possible for older adults to express themselves through age-inclusive "emoldjis." 

Meet 56-year-old grandmother Diane Hill. 

After BBC launched an initiative to get opinions from the public about how media can better reflect their own lives, Diane responded. Luckily, she was able to get an artist to draft some of the emojis that she thinks people over 50 will relate better to. 

In an interview, Diane said, "I need something that shows pain because my back hurts, my knees hurt and I need emojis with glasses."

I bet you want to see some of them, right?

The back pain emoji because you know... sciatica.

Or the memory-enhancement pill emoji because, hey, memory starts to get foggy as time passes...

Bingo eyes! 

Hey, it isn't just older adults that like bingo.

This emoji showing how those pesky dentures can fly out of the mouth at any time.

How about the ticked-off grandpa looking over glasses or the grandma spending the kid's inheritance?

While Ms. Hill's idea may take a little while longer to become official, these first emojis are looking pretty good!

What do you think of these? Let us know in a COMMENT whether you think they are leaving some good ones out.

h/t BBC


Author: verified_user