Thursday, August 13, 2015

THIS Is Why We Wear Engagement Rings On The Left Hand

We all know that a ring on the fourth finger of the left hand means one thing, you're taken! The engagement ring packs quite the punch as a status symbol, and as a result, my wife definitely takes notice when I happen to not have it on. But does anyone really know why it is a tradition to wear an engagement ring on this finger? As with most other traditions, you just keep doing them without knowing why you do them.

There are some running theories out there as to why we wear engagement rings on that finger. There are also some ideas out there that may explain why we even get engaged in the first place. I mean, why isn't it custom for a couple to get married immediately? Check out these main reasons for engagement and the traditions behind the engagement ring.

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Celebs love to flaunt their goods, especially when a high-quality diamond is involved.

But why do we wear the ring on that finger??

"Vena amoris"

One possible reason that we wear an engagement ring on the fourth finger on the left hand comes from ancient Rome. The Romans thought that the vein, "vena amoris," ran directly from this finger to the heart. While the story itself is quite interesting, there is actually no evidence that the vein in the fourth finger runs to the heart any more than any other finger. 

Why get engaged at all? 

In the 1200s, an engagement period was mandated by Pope Innocent III. During this mandated "transition period" between engagement and the wedding ceremony, rings were worn in order to show off that you were taken. It isn't fully known whether this was a way for men to claim their "property," or whether the tradition was encouraged by women to show off their increased status.

Also during this medieval time period, women aimed to show off their engagements to boast their socioeconomic status. 

Of course this tradition is alive and strong in the modern era...

The first engagement rings were actually quite simple, and weren't necessarily that valuable.

I'd like to see someone try to propose with that ring these days...

It wasn't until the 15th century that diamond rings were really a thing.

In 1477, the Archduke Maximilian proposed to Mary of Burgundy with a diamond engagement ring. For the first time, diamond engagement rings were considered to be the ultimate sign of a committed romantic bond.

So there you have it!

The current traditions regarding engagement rings derive from multiple sources in history. Even though the story of vena amoris has been discredited, it's still a very interesting story behind such an important social custom!

It'll be interesting in the future to see how these customs blend into newer ones as time passes. It's already changing quite a bit as you can see from the current wave of people opting for ring finger tattoos rather than the traditional ring.

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Main image via POPSUGAR

Collage image via HELLO GIGGLES | Instagram / @laurenconrad


Author: verified_user