Saturday, August 22, 2015

15 People Having Some Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days

We've all had bad days, but sometimes it seems like everything just waits for a specific moment to pile on you. Everything that's been giving you trouble picked thatday to flare up, and a couple of problems you've never even thought about before also decided to come along.

It's like your problems are throwing the world's biggest party and are having the time of their lives making you miserable, which kind of makes it worse. Once you get through it all, you might find yourself looking back on it and still not really coming up with any answers for how this all went down. At that point, there's nothing to do but crawl into bed and hope the next day is the total opposite of that one.

In any case, I'm sure that's exactly what these 16 people are doing, 'cause they've just had to shrug off some whoppers.

1. Today, the ranch got a lot less cool.

If you want to paint a picture of human tragedy, all you need is this guy right now. I'm sure he'll stay like that for long enough to finish the portrait too.

2. As if the fact that you could throw a snowball at his head during Spring Break wasn't upsetting enough.

It must be weird getting the "c'mon, son" look from your own kid, though.

3. Ouch, that is a face that says, "I didn't go to school for this."

If dude liked Harry Potter when he started doing this, he probably doesn't anymore.

4. Let's just say that mistakes were made.

This idea seemed totally theory.

I guess there weren't enough people in our lives catching feelings.

5. Something tells me Cath has done this to this dude before.

I mean, it's not like you get so mad that you forget how to make sentences if things haven't been boiling over for a while.

6. Yeah, I guess y'all don't miss all of it.

Like, what do you have to do to make someone go, "Oh her? We don't talk about her anymore."

7. A day that starts off with trying to eat deodorant probably isn't gonna get much better. 

At least they only took one bite before coming to that conclusion. I think I've known some people that would've gone halfway through the stick before they realized it sucked.

8. That's the guiltiest looking cat I've ever seen.

Gotta say, it's weird seeing one that actually cares about the destruction they've caused.

Yeah, I think this should seem familiar.

9. Yeah, and it's not like we can hit refresh 1,000 times until it finally works. 

Unless that's what coffee is supposed to do.

10. Yikes, I guess she's not the only one who's about to have a terrible day.

So does that balance out the really good day the cops will have now?

11. Or as it's otherwise known, the Danger Zone.

Nothing like lobster steak with a caviar topping to really hit the spot.

12. I guess it's pretty hard to call him happily married.

I'm not sure what kind of cardboard sign you'd even make for that.

I don't think anyone involved expected what they were getting here.

13. I like how they seem less surprised about this than he does.

If anything, that makes me morecurious about what he did even.

14. Homie's gonna end up shoveling a whole different place if it's as hard to see out of that as I think.

At the same time, those costumes are always crazy hot inside, so at least it keeps the cold away. 

15. It always sucks when you'd have been further ahead if you had done nothing at all.

She doesn't even get to join the bag on its grand adventure.


Author: verified_user