Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Plastic Sandwich Bag May Have Saved This Premature Baby's Life

The day your child is brought into the world ranks up there as one of the most intensely emotional experiences that anyone could go through. Every expecting parent feels a unique fusion of elation and fear on that day, and the last thing anyone expects is that their baby will be born unhealthy and in need of immediate care. This is what happened to a woman from Devon, England, who went through one of the most horrifying ordeals of her life.

Pixie Grant stopped gaining weight in the womb at 28 weeks, and her mother Sharon Grant had to undergo an emergency c-section to allow for Pixie to receive immediate care.

It was a race against time to keep Pixie alive, and the doctors and nurses that came to her care are being praised for their creativity and quick thinking in one of the most incredibly dramatic NICU stories ever.

SHARE this incredible story with your Facebook friends; they need to hear about little Pixie's story.

Day in and day out, the nurses and doctors of NICUs across the world do one of the hardest jobs out there. 

These men and women work tirelessly to save the lives of newborns who are brought into this world often teetering on a fine line between life and death. 

At 28 weeks, Sharon's placenta and umbilical cord weren't properly feeding her child.

In an interview with Express and Echo Sharon said that she "was in and out of hospital for eight weeks being scanned constantly to see if she had grown, but she put on about 20g in those eight weeks."

When it became clear that little Pixie wasn't growing anymore, Sharon was immediately transferred to Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.

Pixie Grant had to be removed via c-section to save her life.

An incredible battle for Pixie's life had just started...

Little Pixie was born weighing 1.1 lbs, and her weight dropped to under a pound as soon as she was born.

The primary concern when she was born was that normal medical equipment couldn't be used on her, she was just too small.

The doctors and nurses had to act quickly after her birth to keep her alive. 

One doctor had a brilliant idea, one that may have saved Pixie's precious life.

Pixie needed to be properly insulated, and that needed to happen fast.

One doctor put her in a plastic sandwich bag, as you can see in the picture below. Sharon Grant said,  "The moment she was born they put her in a Tesco sandwich bag to keep her warm because she was so tiny and carried her off to intensive care."

Luckily, Pixie's condition began to stabilize, but her mother Sharon couldn't even hold her for over two weeks.

Over the course of the next several months, Pixie had 10 blood transfusions and several major infections. For three months she was kept in an incubator. 
Sharon Grant said that it was "amazing" that she survived, but it was also "truly traumatic."

You have to see Sharon and Pixie now...

Here are Sharon and Pixie after coming home five months later.

Over the course of several months, Pixie was able to increase her weight up to 7.5 lbs. and has since been able to live at home, finally!

Her mother is relieved that Pixie is healthy and finally able to breathe without oxygen supplementation.

"It's so lovely to have her home; there's been endless cuddles and lots of people eager to see her."

Here is one more shot of the beautiful little girl!

Without the devotion that NICU doctors and nurses across the world put into their jobs every single day, this amazing story wouldn't be possible. 

SHARE this amazing story on Facebook so all of your friends can marvel at Pixie's story.


Author: verified_user