Saturday, July 18, 2015

17 Photos To Restore Your Faith In The World

As millions of people are coming together at the Rio 2016 Olympic games, we're reminded of how wonderful the world can be. These nations are competing with each other, but they aren't at war. 

Seeing the sportsmanship through high-fives and hugs between teams reminds me that there is still so much to be grateful for on our planet. 

Every day, people are doing amazing things or capturing beautiful moments on camera that make our hearts sing.

And I think we need more of that, so here is a list of 17 photos that will hopefully restore your faith in our world!

I absolutely fell to pieces for #14.

SHARE with everyone and COMMENT on which is your fave! 

1. When someone special placed this "house" out in the rain so the worms would have a shelter.

More like a worm mansion!

2. When a man bought a homeless teen some pizza, and the teen shared it with a hungry stray cat.

Talk about kindness!

3. When a stranger left a roll of quarters near these rides so children could have some fun.


4. When these little boys symbolized the bonds that will keep us together.

They don't see color, they see a friend.

5. When this man took photos with his dog over the course of more than a decade.

Love grew as they grew.

6. When this phone reminded us to make sure we get out and live our lives.

So true!

7. When someone thought these artificial birds needed coats and hats for the cold weather.


8. When these two athletes from North Korea and South Korea embraced the spirit of the Olympics.

It's about coming together.

9. When this baby saw that a bunny needed help climbing up.

Even when they're so small, they care.

10. When this mom asked for a fun haircut before losing her hair to chemotherapy.

She is rocking that look.

11. When this Canadian bus driver stayed hours late to help American students get to safety.

Hundreds of students were on their own to make a train back to the States, but no public transportation was available at the time. So this woman stayed hours and hours past her end time shuttling groups of American students to the train station.

She didn't get home until the early hours of the morning, but every student got to their destination safely.

12. When this woman passed away and her loving dog passed away 17 days later.

They couldn't be parted.

13. When this man recreated a photo of himself standing where the Berlin Wall once stood.

The power of time and progress!

14. When this father passed away from lung cancer, his wife made gifts for all of the kids with notes from their father.

Ugh, here come the tears.

15. When this single mom paid for two National Guard members' lunches during the government shutdown. 

And then Ellen rewarded her kindness by paying her back the $27, plus gave her a TV and another $10,000 on top.


16. When this man took a moment out of his day to appreciate something so tiny, but so beautiful and precious.

A single feather from a hummingbird.

17. When this officer cuffed himself to a woman who was contemplating suicide so she couldn't jump.

This is bravery, love and wisdom all in one!

SHARE this list with everyone so they can have their faith in the world restored!


Author: verified_user