Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Microwave Mug Pizza Is An Easy Recipe To Follow

I think there is one thing that all human beings can agree on: pizza is delicious. In all of its vast and varying forms. If it were not so detrimental to such things like weight, arteries, and general overall health, I would probably have pizza every day. I love that the topping ideas are limited to only your imagination and tastebuds. And then there is the whole fact that ordering it in every day takes a toll on your bank account, and making it at home can be quite the process, and sometimes you need pizza NOW and don't have the time to wait for ovens to do their thing. THIS recipe is the solution to all of these things. This is a snack-sized pizza in a mug that you can whip up in a couple minutes. So you can have the delights of pizza without worrying about the affects on your waistline, the hit on your wallet, or having to suffer through too much of a wait. Basically, here at Diply, we want you to have it all when it comes to pizza. 

What you'll need:

- 4 tbsp flour
- 1/16 tsp baking powder
- 1/3 tsp baking soda
- pinch salt
- 3 tbsp milk

- 1 tbsp olive oil
- sauce
- shredded cheese
- pepperoni (optional)
- toppings of your preference (I like a dash of italian seasoning, crumbled bacon, and diced onion)

The method: 

Combine the first six ingredients in a mug. If you're worried about the clean up, I would suggest first spraying with a non-stick spray. Stiiiiiiir. Then layer your sauce, cheese, and toppings. Pop that sucker in the microwave for a minute and a half on high. Distract yourself for a minute and a half, because omg you're about to have a mini pizza that is starting to smell heavenly. When your microwave beeps, you will be tempted to open it and devour that gooey, cheesy delight right away. CAREFUL! It will be SO hot! We all know what hot cheese is like for an unsuspecting mouth. NOT a fun experience. Let it cool and then thank the pizza gods for this delicious mug of tastiness. 


Author: verified_user