Rarities in nature always give us something to marvel at.
Blue moons occur when a given month has more than one full moon.
Halley's Comet is visible every 75 years.
And maybe, once in your entire lifetime, you will witness a man being right.
Oh, stop, I'm kidding. But seriously, sometimes getting it "right" isn't always a woman's version of "right."
If you don't quite know what I mean, just scroll. There's a chance you'll miss some images from all the eye-rolling you're about to do!
1. Okay, busted.
2. Yes, he did.
3. Who needs a fancy handle? What are you, the Queen?
4. If you have OCD, this man is your worst nightmare.
5. Literally followed instructions.
6. The lawn is cut.
7. The ring is right, the note is devastating.
8. This took me a minute.
9. She asked her husband to cut her sandwich in half... she just didn't say how.
10. He was told to buy six potatoes.
11. When his ironing skills are stuck in 1987.
12. When he wants to make sure you're regular.
13. Well, maybe if she wasn't so vague...
14. He was asked to hang some Christmas lights.
15. Too much pun for one dog tag.
16. She's been there, done that, too many times and is not taking chances.
What is the funniest way your spouse got it "right?" Let us know in the comments!