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We're disappointed the jury was unable to see key evidence and hear testimony from the most important witness, so it may be necessary for the appeals court to resolve this case. Hulk Hogan's best friend Bubba the Love Sponge – who made the tape and offered up his wife in the first place – originally told his radio listeners that Hulk Hogan knew he was being taped. The jury was only able to hear a questionable version of events. Bubba should have been required to appear in court and explain what really happened. There is still more to the story. We expect the upcoming release of improperly sealed documents, important evidence that the jury should have been able to see, will begin revealing the true facts that the jury deserved to know about during deliberations.
Hogan's lawyers countered stating that Bubba swore under oath that Hogan had no idea the video was being recorded. Despite this oath, Bubba's wife, Heather, told FBI that Hogan was aware that the video was being recorded. In a later deposition, Clem retracted this statement.