Tuesday, June 30, 2015

15 Facts About Knockin' Boots You Didn't Realize Until You Actually Did It

Let's face it, sex ed class doesn't really cover all the bases. You can be rounding third and find out that your nervous health teacher was stammering his way through the lesson, just trying to get it over with rather than impart any useful info. Sex is something you have to try. As with so many things in life, you'll never know what you're doing until you've had some practice. It's quite literally give-and-take; you need a partner and some honest communication if everybody is going to have a good time. And hey, even when it goes wrong, it's not the end of the world. If nothing else, you get a good story out of it! Nevertheless, there are definitely some things that all of us would have loved to know ahead of time.

1. A large height difference can make some positions challenging. 

2. You and your partner almost never climax at the same time.

3. Don't eat a lot before sex. Eat afterwards. Can't stress that enough.

4. Rolling a condom on with your mouth sounds sexy, but it tastes like lube and latex. 

5. Sex doesn't help warm you up as much as it makes you sweaty and cold.

6. Eye protection is important!

7. Leg cramps will happen from time to time. Stay hydrated!

8. You will need to pause for a pee break, and that's okay.

9. Car sex sounds like a great time, but it's cramped and uncomfortable.

10. Everybody farts. Even girls fart — especially when contorting themselves into weird positions. 

11. If you think that louder is better, your boyfriend might think he's hurting you.

12. When she needs to clean up afterward — even if you used a condom — she has a good reason.

13. Changing positions is much more difficult than TV would have you believe.

14. You want to cuddle up afterwards, but you've made a big ol' wet spot.

15. There is such a thing as getting too into it, especially where your teeth are involved.

Main image via reddit / [deleted]

Collage images via 1. reddit / [deleted] 2. imgur / stuckat5ft 3. imgur / illini30


Author: verified_user