Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Most Haunted Hotel On The East Coast

With so many people present in the world in so many places, it wouldn't make sense if we all believed in the same things. Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, there's no doubt in my mind that you're afraid of something. A lot of people happen to believe in ghosts, spirits, or any of those variations. People have claimed to experienced supernatural things all throughout history, so perhaps there's come credibility? Personally, I believe that there could be ghosts, though I've never had an experience with one, so it's hard for me to say that they exist and are all around us. Despite that, people are still making a living off of haunted houses and all other sorts of things.

A perfect example of a haunted place? The Shanley Hotel.

The Shanley Hotel is known as being the most haunted hotel on the entire east coast.

As such, it has become a hugely popular attraction for those willing to test their luck.

It's so spooky that you actually have to sign a waiver before staying there.

After its construction in 1895, the then owner's three children passed away.

On top of that, others have also passed in the hotel along with many other reported injuries.

With all the passings, many sightings of ghosts/spirits have been made.

Since it's a hotel, visitors can choose to either visit and investigate the area or test their bravery and stay the night.

One particular room inside the building, known as the "Bordello," is known for being the most haunted.

People often cite trouble breathing, lightheadedness, and a few other symptoms while inside the haunted room.

Sadly, most pictures (evidence) that have been taken are pretty blurry, so it's hard to determine whether or not they're real sightings!

Personally, I'm a bit skeptical, but I'm also not willing to test my luck. I think I'll stay home instead...


Author: verified_user