Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Young Woman Started With A Few Piercings But Ended Up Completely Transforming Her Face

As we all know, some people go to extreme lengths to change their body image. Usually, people change their hair style or get a tattoo here and there to spice things up, but other times, people want to look completely different altogether. Body modification techniques are actually quite common and involve changing the structure of the body in some way (not like typical tattoos or piercings). If you haven't seen body modification before, you're in for a real treat.
One young woman posted her transformation pictures online for everyone to see, and they are pretty unbelievable.Beware: Some people may find a few of the next images slightly disturbing.

SHARE this article with your friends on Facebook who are into piercings or tattoos. They need to see her incredible transformation.

One young woman's collection of body transformation images is going viral.

Here she is before getting any piercings or tattoos.

Remember this image, because she goes through quite the transformation.

You can see that she started her modification journey with a few piercings around her mouth and one in her left eyebrow.

Nothing out of the ordinary...

You can see her piercings better here. I gotta say, they look pretty good!

Here's another selfie from this stage of her transformation. She really likes going between different hair colors.

After this is when she started to really pick up the number of piercings.

As many young adults do, she started experimenting with large ear gauges and plugs.

A shot of a white plug below her lip.

As is common in those who enjoy body modification, she started stacking on the tattoos. It wasn't just a few...

She got tattoos on both of her arms and on her chest.

This is where she really turned it up a notch...

She began dabbling in a thing called body suspension.

Body suspension involves placing hooks through anchor piercings that allow for a person to be lifted above the ground.

Here she is actually being suspended. Insane, right?

From the looks of it, she doesn't seem to think it's too painful. Body suspension is supposed to be extremely invigorating, giving those who partake an adrenaline rush.

In the meantime, she continued to stretch her ears, now with multiple gauges.

If I'm not mistaken, she also had little points added to the top of her ears.

Here she is after two years of body modifications.

It's hard to tell if she is going to pursue any more procedures to change her face further. If you hadn't notice, she has a new tattoo or implant on the bridge of her nose. While she is still very recognizable, the transformation she went through over just two years is pretty shocking. What do you think? Stylish? Or did she go too far?

SHARE this transformation story online with those Facebook friends who love getting piercings and tattoos.


Author: verified_user