Sunday, March 29, 2015

11 Viral Celebrities: Where Are They Now?

Viral celebs are a funny bunch. They come and go faster then you can catch their name, but we still become more obsessed with them than Kanye is with fame. Sometimes these celebs actually ask for fame, sometimes they don't. Either way, they're tossed into the spotlight and forced to survive.

Like feeding those big ugly fish at the park. We eat them up and then we leave.

Ever wonder what they're up to now, though? Well, here's your chance to find out!

See how many of these you remember and tell us which one was your guilty pleasure.


Chris Crocker recorded a very passionate video in 2007 asking us to all to "leave Britney alone," referring of course to Britney Spears. People couldn't stop saying "Leave Britney alone!" in all kinds of situations.


Crocker keeps busy on social media, and recorded an album. He still does YouTube videos and... he was also in an adult film! #nothanks


Patricia Krentcil got noticed due to her distinctive skin color and her obsession with tanning. Because apparently that's all it takes these days.


Krentcil has tried everything to stay relevant, including appearing drunk in public, acting in adult films, and releasing two music albums. Just recently, she was pictured running around the Jersey Shore beach – topless. 


Antoine Dodson gave an interview in 2010 after a mystery intruder broke into his house and the Gregory brothers "songified" the interview.


Since "Bedroom Intruder" he has taken a couple of voice roles and is now married with a son.


In 2007, a news reporter asked Jonathan Ware, a 10-year-old boy, what he thought of his zombie face paint. Ware simply responded, "I like turtles." And his response went completely viral.


Ware is now a 19-year-old college kid. He went through a whirlwind of press after his appearance, but is now staying out of the spotlight.


In 2014, Jeremy Meeks was arrested on weapons charges, and the Stockton Police Department posted his mugshot on their Facebook page. The picture went viral after people started commenting on how beautiful his eyes were.


Meeks was sentenced to 27 months of prison, but was recently released. He's signed a modelling contract and his agent says he might even be in some movies!


For her birthday, 14-year-old Rebecca Black recorded a song and made a music video. The result was a crazy viral video titled "the worst song of all time." "Friday" is catchy as hell, but annoying AF.


Black had to drop out of school because of the bullying she received. But she now takes voice lessons and is trying to focus on having an actual singing career.


In 2014, Alex Lee's picture went viral after a picture of him ended up on Twitter. He appeared on Ellen as Alex from Target.


A year later, Alex from Target is a model, and has a singing career. He is regularly seen at celeb parties.


Liam Kyle Sullivan had a skit show on YouTube and portrayed Kelly, a shallow and emotional girl who was obsessed with shoes and fashion.


Sullivan continues to perform, starring in a VH1 special called I Hate My 30s. He has also brought back his famous character Kelly for the FCKH8 anti-racism and pro-equality campaign.


In 2004, William Hung appeared on American Idol, performing Ricky Martin's 2000 hit "She Bangs." He didn't get to be an Idol, but he did attempt a singing career.


In 2011, Hung gave up singing and became a crime analyst for the LA County Sheriff's Department.

10. THEN

In 2007, Tay Zonday recorded the song "Chocolate Rain." His deep voice and quirky lyrics made him an instant star.


With steady work on YouTube and TV shows, Zonday is keeping busy and keeping himself in the spotlight.

11. THEN

In 2002, classmates of Canadian Ghyslain Raza found a video of Raza doing moves from Star Wars with a golf club. They put it on the internet and it was one of the first ever videos to go viral.


Ghyslain Raza had to drop out of school for the bullying he got from the video. He even had to get professional mental help. Now, he is a spokesperson for preventing and stopping cyber bullying.

How many of these do you remember? Have a viral favorite not on the list? Let us know who it is!


Author: verified_user