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The world seems to have a running fascination with twins. They always seem to be connected on a level that no one else understands.
If you watch the following video, maybe you'll begin to realize where it comes from.
Shortly after birth, these adorable twins were given a warm bath together.
What happens next has the world giving a collective "awww."
It gets cuter, believe me...
As the bath continues, it seems as if they are unaware that they are even being handled.
They actually begin to pull each other closer in an embrace...
Here is a moment where the baby on the left appears to turn into the other baby and curl its fingers in a grab.
It's no wonder they are so natural hugging each other — they spent so long together in the womb.
They are well practiced at cuddling!
It's almost as if the baby on the right responds to their sibling's touch and curls in for a cuddle.
This wasn't the only moment the two shared in this video...
They switched off!
It was the other's turn to get to snuggle into their twin's chest.
In fact, it is documented that twins commonly embrace each other after being born.
This photo is called 'the rescuing hug,' and shows two twins cuddling in an incubator. One of the babies in this photo dramatically improved after having complications once their twin sibling was put in the incubator with her.
Now this just made my day!
Below is the full video...