Wednesday, August 8, 2018

12-Year-Old Makes Teddy Bears From Scratch For Sick Children

Parenting is hard work. Especially when you're parenting nine kids. Let that sink in for a second — NINE KIDS. But even just to have one of those kids turn out like this one, you must be doing an amazing job.

So way to go, Sonya and Nathan. You're doing an amazing job.

This young boy is helping people all over the world, and you won't believe how he's been doing it!

Meet Campbell Remess.

Campbell is a 12-year-old boy from Hobart in Australia who has been helping children all over the world for the past three years.

It started when he was only nine.

He asked his mother if they could buy Christmas presents for kids who were spending the holidays in the hospital.

His mother, Sonya Whittaker, told him, "No way, dude." Campbell is one of nine children, and with that many children to buy presents for, there was no way the family could afford to spend any more.

"He said 'No worries, I'll make them, then,'" Sonya said.

The first bear he made took him five hours. 

First, he had to teach himself to sew. "He brought me this pattern and said 'Mum, I can't work this out. Can you have a look for me?' I'm like 'Nah, it's beyond me,'" his mother told ABC News.

A few hours later, he came downstairs with his first "funky looking teddy bear." But he's improved since then.

He began making a teddy bear every single day. 

He's so skilled at it, these days he can make an entire bear in an hour. His goal was to make 365 every year to distribute to children with cancer. Every Thursday, he visits kids in the hospital and brings his special bears to help them heal.

Since that first "funky looking teddy bear," Campbell has made over 800.

Sonya set up a Facebook group called Project 365 by Campbell to track his progress.

The group has amassed nearly 25,000 members, one of whom is Kat Trikilis.

"He's such a selfless little boy," Kat said. "He does it all off his own back with his pocket money and donations from other people, but asks for nothing in return."

So she set up a fundraiser and volunteers created a storage space for Campbell's supplies and a place for him to work in his home.

Campbell's bears are magic.

No one knows this better than his father, Nathan.

Nathan was diagnosed with cancer. It was a huge blow for the family of 11. Campbell did what he does best — the only way he knows how to help — he made a bear.

"Cancer gets worse with stress, so I made him the bear, so he could get rid of the cancer." And he did. His recurring cancer hasn't come back in over a year since Campbell's bear.

"There's a little bit of magic in them," Nathan said. "A lot of magic in Campbell, though."

Whether or not it's magic, the bears are saving lives.

One mother, Julia Davies, posted her thanks to Campell's group.

Her son, William, had received a heart transplant and had been living in the hospital for six months. He wasn't even two years old. Campbell had made William a bear and visited with him in Melbourne. He made another bear, which was auctioned, with the proceeds helping the Davies family as they struggled with William's hospitalization.

"Bumble, you really do bring sunshine to people's lives. It's amazing how something so simple as a teddy bear can make such a difference... We believe in the magic of your bears 🌟"

They're not just for hospitalized children.

Campbell has been making teddy bears for adults since 2015, and he's also been sending the bears to terror victims overseas.

"I do overseas bears, like for terrorist attacks." Campbell said, like after the attacks on "Paris when the people got hurt, and I'm sending some over to Brussels too."

But the teddies are not available to purchase. Unless you want to buy them in an auction.

You can make bear requests for people you know who really need them. And all auctioned bears directly help families who need it.

Campbell uses his pocket money to buy many of his materials.

But he takes fabric donations and has a GoFundMe page to raise money for necessary materials. He's currently raising money to buy a machine that will allow him to make movable arms and legs on his bears. 

Recently, Campbell's even branched out into making things for the littlest hospital patients.

Like soft baby rattle balls and a small 'Nathan the Turtles' because everyone needs something to help them push through.

What an amazing boy!

Check out Campbell and his amazing, inspiring, healing teddy bears.


Author: verified_user