Most Monday mornings suck. But not this one...
Last night, the internet literally exploded from Kim K exposing T-Swift. She did that by showing that Kanye DID run by his "Famous" song by Taylor Swift.
Kim Kardashian showed a Snapchat story where Kanye West spits out the rap verses for "Famous" and Taylor Swift received it WARMLY. And she never used the word "misogynistic" like she said in her PR statement.
Now, literally everyone who wades into the whole Kim-Taylor-Kanye debacle gets rekt. Exhibit A: Actress Chloë Grace Moretz slid in and Khloe showed a fake picture of Chloë's butt.
The whole family is in strike mode, Khloe said she was going to use her "animal instinct to protect and defend my family."
Moretz tweeted back saying that the photo was from Neighbors 2 and some poor random girl at the beach. But now Selena is wading in.
Her bottom line to the whole Kim-Kanye-Taylor feud was: “Why can’t people use their voice for something that fucking matters?”
To which the internet let rip and –
Grab some popcorn.
That's when the questions started... firstly, why hasn’t Selena been vocal about the #BlackLivesMatter movement if she's all about using her voice for only important things?
In a now-deleted tweet, Selena responded by saying:
"lol so that means if I hashtag something I save lives? No- I could give two fucks about 'sides'. You don't know what I do"
Internet: "Selena, what do you mean by taking sides, tho?"
But then people started noticed that Kim Kardashian actually HAS used Twitter for good...
The basic premise is that if you tell others to speak up on issues... you should speak out on issues.
Yeah. Meanwhile at the Kardashsian home...
COMMENTand tell us what you think of Selena Gomez getting dragged on Twitter!