Monday, May 7, 2018

Expecting Mother Of Twins Finds Out That She Has A Rare Condition During Her Pregnancy

When you find out that you and your partner are pregnant with a new child, nothing else is more important. You begin envisioning the future with a new member of the family and get excited at the smallest reminders that you're pregnant (even the expecting mother's parking spot). Expecting a baby can simply enlighten your life.

While we hope and pray that the pregnancy progresses without complications, it's a real possibility that something out of your control can threaten your baby's life. Lisa Hansen recently became pregnant with twins and was ecstatic about the news. Unfortunately, several months into the pregnancy, she received horrible news.

You have to read more about Lisa and her story.

SHARE this story with your friends on Facebook. They need to see the strength and perseverance of this family.

Meet Lisa Hansen. Lisa and her partner became extremely excited when they found out they were going to be parents.

They found out they were pregnant with twins.

Here is an ultrasound of the twins at 18 weeks.

At this point, Lisa and her partner were unaware that they would be getting some devastating news in the weeks to come.

After seeing this ultrasound image of their twins at 19 weeks, they were told the unthinkable.

Their twins were Monoamniotic-Monochorionic, otherwise known as "MoMo". 

"MoMo" twins share one amniotic sac as well as one placenta in the mother's womb, a condition that threatens both twins' lives.

This presents complications because it opens up the possibility that the twins' umbilical cords could become tangled, among other issues. The couple decided that they were going to go forward with the rest of the pregnancy despite the known risks.

Lisa trekked on with incredible strength and positivity despite the horrible news that one or potentially both twins wouldn't make it out of the pregnancy alive.

Here she is at 21 weeks looking happier than ever.

At 30 weeks, Lisa was going strong.

Here is Lisa on the big day, fully prepped for her c-section.

There's the first twin!

There's the second!

After 14 weeks of tests and hospitals, the gang was finally able to go home.

Both twins had to undergo extensive testing and monitoring to be sure they were healthy enough to go home. Luckily, Lisa was also fine after this incredible, months-long ordeal. Congratulations to the new family!

Here's a video from Lisa's YouTube feed that details the family's journey.

There are some amazing shots in here!

SHARE this unbelievable story with your friends on Facebook.


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