The legendary comedian Milton Bearle once said, “if opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Well, that’s exactly what Chicago performer Guy Madjar did this Oscar season. Instead of seeing another year go by where he had to suffer the indignity of not being acknowledged by the Academy, he took matters into his own hands and photoshopped his image into each of the nominated films.
And the results are hilarious.
It sure beats the ugly path of acting school, waiting tables and bit parts before finally getting your shot.
Tag someone who isn’t getting the recognition they deserve. And the Oscar goes to… Guy Madjar.
“You don’t remember me from
Hell Or High Water?! I was the guy on the phone to his mom!”
"Ryan and Emma are good looking, they can sing, they can dance. Luckily, I got to eat ice cream the whole time, or else I would’ve been really depressed."
“I just want to thank Casey and Michelle. This award goes to them as much as it does me.”
“If I had a problem with
Lion, it’d be that there was too much emphasis on finding his family and too little on me finding Tupac.”
Do you remember Guy from Moonlight?
“The producers will be hearing from my lawyers."
“That’s what my face would look like if I saw an alien spaceship.”
“There was a bit of a mix-up and I nearly missed out on being in this poster.”
“Unrealistic?! There's always a guy on a battlefield cooking marshmallows.”
“Fences, was actually a lot of laughs.”