Remember when Daniel looked like this in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?!
And then remember when he shocked us all by transforming in front of our eyes? I can't believe he looked like this in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2!
Damn, Daniel!
Everyone already knew that there was something special about Daniel because he already looks like Elijah Wood.
Like, are they twins?! How??? Is??? This??? Even??? Possible???
It looks like Daniel was fooling us all when he told us he was just a regular muggle! He can legit time travel and there's evidence!
Are you ready to see Daniel throughout the ages? Get ready... it's pretty freaky...
Now here's Daniel just randomly living in Manchester in the 1940s.
This is Daniel last year on the red carpet looking dapper AF.
Ok but now he's a smiley teenage girl in the 1950s!
Here's Daniel again just being a normal celeb walking, like, 10 dogs.
Here's Daniel in the 1970s! BTW, Daniel. Hair game is strong!
Daniel looks a lot like a normal, MODERN human being here. This was taken in 2014.
So why is he painted as a woman in a portrait?! *CLUTCHES PEARLS* What sorcery is this?!
One last time. This is Daniel now looking very much like a muggle.
So how could he have even time traveled to the 1880s to be a show girl?!
It's all very confusing. I just want to know where he got his time turner and how I can get my hands on one too!
So maybe Daniel IS a wizard and he IS the Chosen One! That's the only way this makes sense! COMMENTand tell us which era you'd like to time travel to!