There's so much in this world that is utterly amazing. It definitely seems that there are no limitations on humanity, especially since we're overcoming every obstacle thrown at us. Not only that, but we continue to create bigger and better things on an extremely regular basis. Can you remember when computers weren't necessary for most things? I mean, they were pretty much a luxury more than anything, but now we have cell phones that can blow away what computers used to do 20 years ago. It truly is amazing how far we've come in such a short amount of time, so it's exciting to see what the future holds for us. One thing that has remained somewhat static, however, is the quality of artists (with the exception of the greats). While artists all differ in their styles, there are many who remain amazing.
This particular artist, Li Hongbo, is pretty much a wizard when it comes to art. His "sculptures" seem like genuine and amazing sculptures, but that would actually be a disservice to call them just that. His "sculptures" are actually made of multiple layers of paper, all stacked to form a cohesive piece. He shows how he's able to pull it apart and make it look like a slinky, then simply just put it back together like it's normal. He even explains the effort put into his creations. His art comes down to a complex procedure which ends up seeming more like science than anything. He has to be precise, knowing the exact center of the structure, otherwise it'll tip over. His "sculptures" are truly unique and amazing!