Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Bro Asks Crowd To Fund $15,000 Engagement Ring, Internet Says 'Nah'

Crowdfunding is here to stay, so we'll have to deal with it. Frankly, it can do some good in the world. If we're talking about people coming together to pay for a sick kid's treatments, it's easy to scrounge up some cash. But when the cause seems less worthy, crowdfunding might not be the best option. Let William's story serve as a cautionary tale about crowdfunding.

Engagement rings are expensive. There's no getting around it, unless your honey is especially fond of onion rings.

Even then, you're going to have to save up for something real before long, right?

So you almost — almost — can't blame the poor guy who asked the internet for money for an engagement ring.

Love makes you do funny things! Setting up a GoFundMe page asking for $15,000 for a fancy ring has to be right up there. Mind you, William didn't post a picture of a fancy ring. It looks like he used a jpeg from 1995 instead. 

Listen, his heart is clearly in the right place. His fiancée got him 30 gifts for his 30th birthday, and he wants to do it up right when he wifes her.

As he should! She's obviously a keeper. His justifications for asking strangers on the internet for money, however, sound like weak tea. "Unconditional Love is Free, Weddings are Not," he writes. "Why do couples have to shoulder the cost of the public's materialistic perception of true love?"

So William's big idea fell flat. Over eight days, he only raised $609 of the $15,000, even though his page was shared more than 14,000 times. And you know what? Even though the internet didn't pony up for the fancy ring, she still said yes!

We wish them the best of luck, but let this be a cautionary tale: strangers on the internet don't want to shell out for a $15,000 engagement ring.

Author: verified_user