1. It's important for couples to have some intimate time together...
2. Dare to be different — dare to be a hero
3. Nah, I can't shame this guy — if you got it, flaunt it, right?
4. This guy, however, this guy is simply too much...
5. That might be in the category of "too soon" there, Janelle...
6. "Just following the rules, sir!"
7. Hey, a guy's gotta eat, right?
8. Hey, at least he's dressed!
9. Sometimes these kids just gotta take a backseat to your goals, ya know?
10. And sometimes they just gotta take a backseat literally...
11. Do you think this lady knows the guy we saw at the hotel earlier?
12. Those two must be studying for a career in internet content writing...
13. I always figured thieves didn't have much shame, but this is a whole new level
14. Unabashedly hipster, for sure
15. Which is worse socks off or on? Wait, why does that matter?
16. Nooooo Grandpa!
17. I don't think that's the right pocket... No? Gross.
18. This rebel just does notcare!
19. And this guy isn't going to let a few drops of measly water get in the way of hisvacation! No way!